Thursday, December 8, 2011

Creating Effective Poster Presentations
Each of the following aspects of poster creation is considered in detail ...
PlanningBefore starting work on your poster, consider message, space, budget, format (single sheet or multi-panel), and deadlines.
FocusStay focused on your message and keep it simple. Create a mock-up and dispense with unneeded details.
LayoutUse a clearly defined visual grammar to move readers through your poster.
HeadingsUse headings to orient readers and convey major points.
GraphicsClear graphics should dominate your poster.
TextText should be minimized in favor of graphics, and large where used.
ColorsColors can make a poster attractive and improve readability, but be cautious.
EditingEdit ruthlessly to reduce the amount of text and focus on a results-oriented message.
SoftwareThere are many packages you can use to create your poster.